

decimation(vtk_poly_data[, reduction, verbose])

Call of vtkQuadricDecimation on a vtk_poly_data to decimate the mesh


marching_cubes(vtk_image_data[, iso_value, ...])

Call of vtkMarchingCubes on a vtk_image_data with iso_value

mesh_surface_area(vertices, faces)

Return the surface_area of a mesh

meshing(image_3d[, smoothing_iteration, ...])

Build a polygonal mesh representation (= list of vertices and faces) from a 3d image (= numpy array 3D).

smoothing(vtk_poly_data[, feature_angle, ...])

Call of vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter on a vtk_poly_data to smoothing the edge of poly_data

voxelization(vtk_poly_data[, voxels_size])

Transform a mesh vtk poly data mesh representation objet to a list of voxels position, according to a voxels size float.