Developer Install - Ubuntu (linux)

Warning : This installation procedure is not fully tested, We strongly recommand to install openalea.phenomenal with miniconda.

1. Install linux dependencies

Be sure opengl is installed on your machine

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev

2. Miniconda installation

Follow official website instruction to install miniconda :

3. Create virtual environment and activate it

conda create --name phenomenal python
source activate phenomenal

4. Install dependencies with conda

conda install -c openalea/label/unstable -c openalea openalea.deploy openalea.core
conda install numba numpy scikit-learn scikit-image scipy matplotlib networkx vtk opencv

# Usefull tools for running example and documentation
conda install -c conda-forge nose notebook sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pandoc ipyvolume

# On windows
conda install pywin32 [win]

2. Install openalea.phenomenal

git clone
cd phenomenal; python develop --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX; cd ..