3D Segmentation


connect_all_node_with_nearest_neighbors(graph) Connect all the nodes in the graph together
create_graph(voxels_position, voxels_size) Create a networkx.graph from voxels positions and voxels_size
graph_from_voxel_grid(voxel_grid[, …]) Return a weigthed networkx graph builded from a voxel_grid object where each node of the graph is the tuple position of the voxels center.
skeletonize(voxel_grid, graph[, subgraph, …]) Compute phenomenal skeletonization on the voxel_grid based on the graph.
segment_reduction(voxel_skeleton, …[, …]) Reduce the number of segments in a VoxelSkeleton object, according to their projection results.

Maize Segmentation

maize_segmentation(voxel_skeleton, graph) Labeling segments in voxel_skeleton into 4 label.
maize_analysis(maize_segmented) Update info fiel of the VoxelSegmentation object with the analysis result computed.