Source code for

# -*- python -*-
#       Copyright INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# ==============================================================================
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import json
import numpy
import cv2
import glob
import os
import collections
import pkg_resources

from ..mesh import read_ply_to_vertices_faces
from ..calibration import (Chessboard, CalibrationCamera)
from ..object import VoxelGrid
# ==============================================================================

def _path_images(plant_number=1, dtype="bin"):
    """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera][angle] containing
    filename of file.

    plant_number : int

    dtype :  "bin" or "raw" or "chessboard"

    d : dict of dict of string
        dict[id_camera][angle] = filename
    data_directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename(
        'openalea.phenomenal', 'data/plant_{}/{}/'.format(
            plant_number, dtype))

    d = collections.defaultdict(dict)
    for id_camera in ["side", "top"]:
        filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_directory, id_camera, '*.png'))
        for filename in filenames:
            angle = int(os.path.basename(filename).split('.png')[0])
            d[id_camera][angle] = filename

    return d

[docs]def path_bin_images(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera][angle] containing filename of the binary image. Parameters ---------- plant_number : int Number of the plant desired Returns ------- d : dict of dict of string dict[id_camera][angle] = filename """ return _path_images(plant_number=plant_number, dtype="bin")
[docs]def path_raw_images(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera][angle] containing filename of the raw image. :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :return: dict[id_camera][angle] of filename """ return _path_images(plant_number=plant_number, dtype="raw")
[docs]def path_chessboard_images(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera][angle] containing filename of the raw image. :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :return: dict[id_camera][angle] of filename """ return _path_images(plant_number=plant_number, dtype="chessboard")
[docs]def raw_images(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera][angle] of numpy array of the loader raw image. :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :return: dict[id_camera][angle] of loaded RGB image """ d = path_raw_images(plant_number) for id_camera in d: for angle in d[id_camera]: img = cv2.imread(d[id_camera][angle], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) d[id_camera][angle] = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return d
[docs]def bin_images(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera][angle] of numpy array of the loader binary image. A binary image is a numpy array of uint8 type. :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :return: dict[id_camera][angle] of loaded grayscale image """ d = path_bin_images(plant_number) for id_camera in d: for angle in d[id_camera]: d[id_camera][angle] = cv2.imread(d[id_camera][angle], cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) return d
[docs]def chessboard_images(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera][angle] of numpy array of the loader binary image. A binary image is a numpy array of uint8 type. :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :return: dict[id_camera][angle] of loaded grayscale image """ d = path_chessboard_images(plant_number) for id_camera in d: for angle in d[id_camera]: img = cv2.imread(d[id_camera][angle], cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) d[id_camera][angle] = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) return d,
# ==============================================================================
[docs]def chessboards(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera] of camera calibration object :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :return: dict[id_camera] of camera calibration object """ data_directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'openalea.phenomenal', 'data/plant_{}/chessboard/points/'.format( plant_number)) chessboards = list() for id_chessboard in [1, 2]: chessboards.append(Chessboard.load( os.path.join(data_directory, "chessboard_{}.json".format(id_chessboard)))) return chessboards
[docs]def calibrations(plant_number=1): """ According to the plant number return a dict[id_camera] of camera calibration object :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :return: dict[id_camera] of camera calibration object """ data_directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'openalea.phenomenal', 'data/plant_{}/calibration/'.format( plant_number)) calibration = dict() for id_camera in ["side", "top"]: calibration[id_camera] = CalibrationCamera.load( os.path.join(data_directory, "calibration_camera_{}.json".format(id_camera))) return calibration
[docs]def voxel_grid(plant_number=1, voxels_size=4): """ According to the plant number and the voxel size desired return the voxel_grid of the plant. :param plant_number: number of the plant desired (int) :param voxels_size: diameter of each voxel in mm (int) :return: voxel_grid object """ filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'openalea.phenomenal', 'data/plant_{}/voxels/{}.npz'.format( plant_number, voxels_size)) vg = return vg
# ==============================================================================
[docs]def tutorial_data_binarization_mask(): """ Return the list of required images to process the notebook tutorial on binarization. The images are already load with opencv in unchanged format. images = ["mask_hsv.png", "mask_clean_noise.png", "mask_mean_shift.png"] :return: list of image """ data_directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'openalea.phenomenal', 'data/plant_6/mask/') masks = list() for filename in ["mask_hsv.png", "mask_mean_shift.png"]: masks.append(cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_directory, filename), flags=cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)) return masks
# ============================================================================== def synthetic_plant(plant_number=1, registration_point=(0, 0, 750)): """ According to the plant number return the mesh plant and skeleton of the synthetic plant. Parameters ---------- plant_number : int, optional Number of the plant desired registration_point: 3-tuple, optional Position of the pot in the scene Returns ------- out : vertices, faces, meta_data """ filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'openalea.phenomenal', 'data/synthetic_plant_{}/synthetic_plant.ply'.format(plant_number)) vertices, faces, color = read_ply_to_vertices_faces(filename) vertices = numpy.array(vertices) * 10 - numpy.array([registration_point]) with open(filename.replace("ply", "json"), 'r') as infile: meta_data = json.load(infile) return vertices, faces, meta_data # ============================================================================== def mesh_mccormik_plant(plant_number=1): filename = pkg_resources.resource_filename( 'openalea.phenomenal', 'data/mccormick_plant_{}/segmentedMesh.ply'.format(plant_number)) vertices, faces, colors = read_ply_to_vertices_faces(filename) return vertices, faces, colors