Source code for openalea.phenomenal.mesh.vtk_transformation

# -*- python -*-
#       Copyright INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# ==============================================================================
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import vtk
import vtk.util.numpy_support
import operator

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__all__ = ["from_vertices_faces_to_vtk_poly_data",

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def voxel_grid_to_vtk_poly_data(voxel_grid,

    voxels_position = voxel_grid.voxels_position
    voxels_size = voxel_grid.voxels_size

    points = vtk.vtkPoints()
    for v in voxels_position:
        points.InsertNextPoint(v[0], v[1], v[2])

    polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData()

    cube_source = vtk.vtkCubeSource()

    glyph3D = vtk.vtkGlyph3D()

    if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5:


    return glyph3D.GetOutput()

[docs]def from_vertices_faces_to_vtk_poly_data(vertices, faces, vertices_colors=None, faces_colors=None): def make_vtk_id_list(it): vil = vtk.vtkIdList() for j in it: vil.InsertNextId(int(j)) return vil poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData() points = vtk.vtkPoints() polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() # Load the point, cell, and data attributes. for i in range(len(vertices)): points.InsertPoint(i, vertices[i]) for i in range(len(faces)): polys.InsertNextCell(make_vtk_id_list(faces[i])) # We now assign the pieces to the vtkPolyData. poly_data.SetPoints(points) del points poly_data.SetPolys(polys) del polys if vertices_colors is not None: vtk_colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray() vtk_colors.SetNumberOfComponents(3) vtk_colors.SetName("Colors") for color in vertices_colors: vtk_colors.InsertNextTuple3(color[0], color[1], color[2]) poly_data.GetPointData().SetScalars(vtk_colors) if faces_colors is not None: vtk_colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray() vtk_colors.SetNumberOfComponents(3) vtk_colors.SetName("Colors") for color in faces_colors: vtk_colors.InsertNextTuple3(color[0], color[1], color[2]) poly_data.GetCellData().SetScalars(vtk_colors) return poly_data
[docs]def from_vtk_poly_data_to_vertices_faces(vtk_poly_data): vertices = vtk.util.numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy( vtk_poly_data.GetPoints().GetData()) faces = vtk.util.numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy( vtk_poly_data.GetPolys().GetData()) faces = faces.reshape((len(faces) // 4, 4)) colors = vtk_poly_data.GetPointData().GetScalars() return vertices, faces[:, 1:], colors
[docs]def from_numpy_matrix_to_vtk_image_data(data_matrix): nx, ny, nz = data_matrix.shape image_data = vtk.vtkImageData() image_data.SetDimensions(nx, ny, nz) image_data.SetSpacing(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 6: image_data.SetScalarType(vtk.util.numpy_support.get_vtk_array_type( data_matrix.dtype)) image_data.SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1) image_data.AllocateScalars() else: image_data.AllocateScalars(vtk.util.numpy_support.get_vtk_array_type( data_matrix.dtype), 1) lx, ly, lz = image_data.GetDimensions() for i in range(lx): for j in range(ly): for k in range(lz): image_data.SetScalarComponentFromDouble( i, j, k, 0, data_matrix[i, j, k]) return image_data
def from_vtk_image_data_to_voxels_center(image_data, true_value=255, component=0): dim_x, dim_y, dim_z = image_data.GetDimensions() ori_x, ori_y, ori_z = image_data.GetOrigin() spa_x, spa_y, spa_z = image_data.GetSpacing() voxels_points = list() for x in range(dim_x): for y in range(dim_y): for z in range(dim_z): r = image_data.GetScalarComponentAsDouble(x, y, z, component) if r == true_value: voxels_points.append((x * spa_x + ori_x, y * spa_y + ori_y, z * spa_z + ori_z)) return voxels_points
[docs]def from_voxel_centers_to_vtk_image_data(voxel_centers, voxel_size): x_min = min(voxel_centers, key=operator.itemgetter(0))[0] x_max = max(voxel_centers, key=operator.itemgetter(0))[0] y_min = min(voxel_centers, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] y_max = max(voxel_centers, key=operator.itemgetter(1))[1] z_min = min(voxel_centers, key=operator.itemgetter(2))[2] z_max = max(voxel_centers, key=operator.itemgetter(2))[2] nx, ny, nz = (int((x_max - x_min) / voxel_size + 1), int((y_max - y_min) / voxel_size + 1), int((z_max - z_min) / voxel_size + 1)) image_data = vtk.vtkImageData() image_data.SetDimensions(nx, ny, nz) image_data.SetSpacing(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) if vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 6: image_data.SetScalarType(vtk.VTK_UNSIGNED_CHAR) image_data.SetNumberOfScalarComponents(1) image_data.AllocateScalars() else: image_data.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_DOUBLE, 0) # Wrong initialization, image_data not initialize to 0 value for x, y, z in voxel_centers: nx = int((x - x_min) / voxel_size) ny = int((y - y_min) / voxel_size) nz = int((z - z_min) / voxel_size) image_data.SetScalarComponentFromDouble( nx, ny, nz, 0, 1) return image_data, (x_min, y_min, z_min)