Source code for openalea.phenomenal.multi_view_reconstruction.multi_view_reconstruction

# -*- python -*-
#       Copyright INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# ==============================================================================
from __future__ import division, print_function

import math
import numba
import cv2
import scipy.spatial
import collections
import numpy
import sklearn.neighbors

from ..object import VoxelGrid
# ==============================================================================
# Class

Voxels = collections.namedtuple("Voxels", ['position', 'size'])
VoxelsStage = collections.namedtuple(
    "VoxelsStage", ['consistent', 'inconsistent'])

# ==============================================================================

def get_voxels_corners(voxels_position, voxels_size):
    """ According the voxels position and their size, return a numpy array
    containing for each input voxels the position of the 8 corners.

    voxels_position : numpy.ndarray
        Center position of the voxels

    voxels_size : float
        Diameter size of the voxels

    a : numpy.array

    r = voxels_size / 2.0

    x_minus = voxels_position[:, 0] - r
    x_plus = voxels_position[:, 0] + r
    y_minus = voxels_position[:, 1] - r
    y_plus = voxels_position[:, 1] + r
    z_minus = voxels_position[:, 2] - r
    z_plus = voxels_position[:, 2] + r

    a1 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_minus, z_minus))
    a2 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_minus, z_minus))
    a3 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_plus, z_minus))
    a4 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_minus, z_plus))
    a5 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_plus, z_minus))
    a6 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_minus, z_plus))
    a7 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_plus, z_plus))
    a8 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_plus, z_plus))

    a = numpy.concatenate((a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8), axis=1)
    a = numpy.reshape(a, (a.shape[0] * 8, 3))

    return a

def get_bounding_box_voxel_projected(voxels_position,

    """ Compute the bounding box value according the radius, angle and
    calibration parameters of point_3d projection

    voxels_position : numpy.ndarray
        Center position of voxel

    voxels_size : float
        Size of side geometry of voxel

    projection : function ((x, y, z)) -> (x, y)
        Function of projection who take 1 argument (tuple of position (x, y, z))
        and return this position 2D (x, y)

    bbox : numpy.ndarray
        [[x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max], ...]
        Containing min and max value of point_3d projection in x and y axes.

    voxels_corners = get_voxels_corners(voxels_position, voxels_size)

    pt = projection(voxels_corners)

    pt = numpy.reshape(pt, (pt.shape[0] // 8, 8, 2))

    bbox = numpy.column_stack((pt.min(axis=1), pt.max(axis=1)))

    return bbox

# ==============================================================================

def split_voxels_in_eight(voxels):
    """ Split each voxel in 8 en return the numpy.array position

          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        /                  /|                          /        /         /|
       /                  / |                         /--------/---------/ |
      /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /  |                        /_ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ /| |
     |                  |   |                       |        |         | |/|
     |                  |   |       =======>        |        |         | / |
     |                  |   |                       |_ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ |/| |
     |                  |  /                        |        |         | |/
     |                  | /                         |        |         | /
     | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|/                          |_ _ _ _ | _ _ _ _ |/

    voxels : Voxels
        Where position is a numpy.array([[x, y, z], ...] containing the center
        position of each voxels and size the diameter size value (float) of each

    voxels : Voxels
    if len(voxels.position) == 0:
        return Voxels(voxels.position, voxels.size / 2.0)

    r = voxels.size / 4.0

    x_minus = voxels.position[:, 0] - r
    x_plus = voxels.position[:, 0] + r
    y_minus = voxels.position[:, 1] - r
    y_plus = voxels.position[:, 1] + r
    z_minus = voxels.position[:, 2] - r
    z_plus = voxels.position[:, 2] + r

    a1 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_minus, z_minus))
    a2 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_minus, z_minus))
    a3 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_plus, z_minus))
    a4 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_minus, z_plus))
    a5 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_plus, z_minus))
    a6 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_minus, z_plus))
    a7 = numpy.column_stack((x_minus, y_plus, z_plus))
    a8 = numpy.column_stack((x_plus, y_plus, z_plus))

    return Voxels(numpy.concatenate((a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8), axis=0),
                  voxels.size / 2.0)

# ==============================================================================

def voxels_is_visible_in_image(voxels_position,
    Return a numpy array containing True if the voxel are
        projected is photo-consistent on image else False


    1. Project each voxel center position on the image, if the position
    projected (x, y) is positive on image return True


    2. If the bouding box of the voxel projected have positive value on
    the image the voxel are True


    3. Check if one pixel containing in the bounding box projected on image
       have positive value, if yes return True else return False

    voxels_position : numpy.array([[x, y, z], ...]
        Center position of the voxels

    voxels_size : float
        diameter size of the voxels

    image: numpy.array
        Binary image where the voxels are projected.

    projection : function (numpy.array([[x, y, z], ...]) -> numpy.array([[x, y], ...])
        Function of projection who take 1 argument (numpy.array([[x, y, z],
        ...] of voxels positions) and return the projected 2D position
        numpy.array([[x, y], ...])

    inclusive: Describe if the voxels projection are out of the image,
    their are considering like still visible

    image_int: Integrale image of the binary image (optimization)

    out : numpy.array([True, False, ...])
        Numpy array containing True if the voxel are
        projected is photo-consistent on image else False

    height, length = image.shape
    ori_result = numpy.zeros((len(voxels_position, )), dtype=int)

    r = projection(voxels_position)

    cond = ((r[:, 0] >= 0) &
            (r[:, 1] >= 0) &
            (r[:, 0] < length) &
            (r[:,  1] < height))

    rr = r[cond].astype(int)

    (ori_result[cond])[image[rr[:, 1], rr[:, 0]] > 0] = 1
    not_cond = numpy.logical_not(ori_result > 0)

    result = ori_result[not_cond]
    voxels_position = voxels_position[not_cond]

    # ==========================================================================

    # voxels_corners = get_voxels_corners(voxels_position, voxels_size)
    # pt = projection(voxels_corners)
    # pt = numpy.reshape(pt, (pt.shape[0] // 8, 8, 2))
    # tim = image.astype(int)
    # im = numpy.zeros_like(tim, dtype=int)
    # conds = list()
    # for points in pt:
    #     if (numpy.all(points[:, 0] < 0) == True or
    #         numpy.all(points[:, 0] >= length) == True or
    #         numpy.all(points[:, 1] < 0) == True or
    #         numpy.all(points[:, 1] >= height) == True):
    #         conds.append(False)
    #         continue
    #     points[points < 0] = 0
    #     (points[:, 0])[points[:, 0] >= length] = length - 1
    #     (points[:, 1])[points[:, 1] >= height] = height - 1
    #     points = numpy.floor(points).astype(int)
    #     if numpy.all(points[:, 0] == points[0, 0]) == True:
    #         x = points[0, 0]
    #         y_min = numpy.min(points[:, 1])
    #         y_max = numpy.max(points[:, 1])
    #         if numpy.count_nonzero(image[y_min:y_max, x]) > 0:
    #             conds.append(True)
    #         else:
    #             conds.append(False)
    #         continue
    #     if numpy.all(points[:, 1] == points[0, 1]) == True:
    #         y = points[0, 1]
    #         x_min = numpy.min(points[:, 0])
    #         x_max = numpy.max(points[:, 0])
    #         if numpy.count_nonzero(image[y, x_min:x_max]) > 0:
    #             conds.append(True)
    #         else:
    #             conds.append(False)
    #         continue
    #     hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(points)
    #     im[:] = 0
    #     cv2.fillConvexPoly(im, points[hull.vertices], 1)
    #     if numpy.any(tim[im == 1] > 0) == True:
    #         conds.append(True)
    #     else:
    #         conds.append(False)
    # result[conds] = 1
    # ori_result[not_cond] = result
    # return ori_result

    # ==========================================================================

    min_xy_max_xy = get_bounding_box_voxel_projected(
        voxels_position, voxels_size, projection)

    # result = numba_optimize_voxels_is_visible_in_image(
    #     min_xy_max_xy, image_int, result, length, height, inclusive)
    # ori_result[not_cond] = result
    # return ori_result

    vv = ((min_xy_max_xy[:, 2] < 0) | (min_xy_max_xy[:, 0] >= length) |
          (min_xy_max_xy[:, 3] < 0) | (min_xy_max_xy[:, 1] >= height))

    not_vv = numpy.logical_not(vv)
    result[vv] = 1 if inclusive else 0

    min_xy_max_xy = min_xy_max_xy[not_vv]
    bb = result[not_vv]

    min_xy_max_xy = numpy.floor(min_xy_max_xy)
    min_xy_max_xy[min_xy_max_xy < 0] = 0
    (min_xy_max_xy[:, 0])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 0] >= length] = length - 1
    (min_xy_max_xy[:, 1])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 1] >= height] = height - 1
    (min_xy_max_xy[:, 2])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 2] >= length] = length - 1
    (min_xy_max_xy[:, 3])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 3] >= height] = height - 1
    min_xy_max_xy = min_xy_max_xy.astype(int)

    # ==========================================================================

    min_xy_max_xy[:, 0:2] -= 1
    for i, (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) in enumerate(min_xy_max_xy):

        r1 = image_int[y_max, x_max]
        if y_min > 0:
            r1 -= image_int[y_min, x_max]
        if x_min > 0:
            r1 -= image_int[y_max, x_min]
        if y_min > 0 and x_min > 0:
            r1 += image_int[y_min, x_min]

        if r1 > 0:
            bb[i] = 1

    # for i, (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) in enumerate(min_xy_max_xy):
    #     if numpy.count_nonzero(image[y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1]) > 0:
    #         bb[i] = 1

    result[not_vv] = bb
    ori_result[not_cond] = result

    return ori_result

# ==============================================================================

def kept_visible_voxel(voxels_position,
    Kept in a new collections.deque the voxel who is visible on each image of
    images_projections according the error_tolerance

    voxels_position : numpy.array([[x, y, z], ...]
        Center position of the voxels

    voxels_size : float
        Diameter size of the voxels

    image_views : [(image, projection), ...]
        List of tuple (image, projection) where image is a binary image
        (numpy.ndarray) and function projection (function (x, y, z) -> (x, y))
        who take (x, y, z) position on return (x, y) position according space
        representation of this image

    error_tolerance : int, optional
        Number of image will be ignored if the projected voxel is not visible.

    int_images: Integral image of the binary image (optimization)

    out : VoxelsStage

    photo_consistent = numpy.zeros((len(voxels_position), ),  dtype=int)
    no_kept = None

    for i, image_view in enumerate(image_views):
        photo_consistent += voxels_is_visible_in_image(

        cond = photo_consistent >= i + 1 - error_tolerance

        if no_kept is None:
            no_kept = voxels_position[numpy.logical_not(cond)]
            no_kept = numpy.insert(no_kept,

        voxels_position = voxels_position[cond]
        photo_consistent = photo_consistent[cond]

    consistent = Voxels(voxels_position, voxels_size)
    inconsistent = Voxels(no_kept, voxels_size)

    return VoxelsStage(consistent, inconsistent)

# ==============================================================================

def have_image_ref(image_views):
    for iv in image_views:
        if iv.image_ref is not None:
            return True
    return False

def create_groups(image_views, inconsistent):

    groups = collections.defaultdict(list)
    kept_groups = collections.defaultdict(list)

    group_id = 0
    for iv in image_views:
        if iv.image_ref is not None:
            height, length = iv.image.shape

            min_xy_max_xy = get_bounding_box_voxel_projected(
                inconsistent.position, inconsistent.size, iv.projection)

            # add each voxels to a visual cones
            for i, (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) in enumerate(min_xy_max_xy):

                if x_max < 0 or x_min >= length or y_max < 0 or y_min >= height:

                x_min = int(min(max(math.floor(x_min), 0), length - 1))
                y_min = int(min(max(math.floor(y_min), 0), height - 1))
                x_max = int(min(max(math.floor(x_max), 0), length - 1))
                y_max = int(min(max(math.floor(y_max), 0), height - 1))

                img = iv.image_ref[y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1]
                yy, xx = numpy.where(img > 0)
                yy += y_min
                xx += x_min
                for y, x in zip(yy, xx):
                    groups[(group_id, y, x)].append(i)

            for y, x in zip(iv.yy, iv.xx):
                if len(groups[(group_id, y, x)]) > 0:
                    kept_groups[(group_id, y, x)] = groups[(group_id, y, x)]

        group_id += 1

    return kept_groups

def check_groups(neigh, inconsistent, groups, nb_distance):

    if len(groups.values()) == 0:
        return None

    positions = list()
    for index in groups.values():
        index = numpy.array(index)

        distance, _ = neigh.kneighbors(inconsistent.position[index])
        distance = distance.min(axis=1)
        xx = distance.argsort()[:nb_distance]

    position = numpy.concatenate(positions, axis=0)
    position = numpy.vstack(set(tuple(row) for row in position))

    return Voxels(position, inconsistent.size)

def reconstruction_inconsistent(image_views, stages, attractor=None):

    for iv in image_views:
        if iv.image_ref is not None:
            im = project_voxel_centers_on_image(stages[-1].consistent.position,
   = iv.image_ref - im
            iv.yy, iv.xx = numpy.where( > 0)

    consistent_neighbors = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(
        n_neighbors=1, metric='euclidean')

    if numpy.size(stages[-1].consistent.position) == 0:[[0, 0, 0]]))
        if attractor is not None:

    consistents = [None] * len(stages)
    for i, stage in enumerate(stages):

        if stage.inconsistent is None:

        inconsistent = stage.inconsistent
        if consistents[i - 1] is not None:
            voxels = split_voxels_in_eight(consistents[i - 1])
            position = numpy.concatenate(
                (inconsistent.position, voxels.position), axis=0)
            position = numpy.vstack(set(tuple(row) for row in position))
            inconsistent = Voxels(position, inconsistent.size)

        groups = create_groups(image_views, inconsistent)
        nb_distance = max(20 - int((20 / len(stages)) * i), 2)
        consistents[i] = check_groups(
            consistent_neighbors, inconsistent, groups, nb_distance)

    consistent_stages = [None] * len(stages)
    for i, (stage, consistent) in enumerate(zip(stages, consistents)):

        consistent_stages[i] = stage.consistent
        if consistent is not None:
            voxels_position = numpy.concatenate(
                (consistent_stages[i].position, consistent.position), axis=0)

            voxels_position = numpy.vstack(
                set(tuple(row) for row in voxels_position))

            consistent_stages[i] = Voxels(voxels_position, consistent.size)

    return consistent_stages

# ==============================================================================

def get_integrale_image(img):
    a = numpy.zeros_like(img, dtype=int)
    for y, x in numpy.ndindex(a.shape):
            r = 0
            if img[y, x] > 0:
                r += 1
            if x - 1 >= 0:
                r += a[y, x - 1]
            if y - 1 >= 0:
                r += a[y - 1, x]
            if x - 1 >= 0 and y - 1 >= 0:
                r -= a[y - 1, x - 1]
            a[y, x] = r
    return a

# ==============================================================================

[docs]def reconstruction_3d(image_views, voxels_size=4, error_tolerance=0, voxel_center_origin=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), start_voxel_size=4096, voxels_position=None, attractor=None): """ Construct a list of voxel represented object with positive value on binary image in images of images_projections. Parameters ---------- image_views : [(image, projection), ...] List of tuple (image, projection) where image is a binary image (numpy.ndarray) and function projection (function (x, y, z) -> (x, y)) who take (x, y, z) position on return (x, y) position according space representation of this image voxels_size : float, optional Diameter size of the voxels error_tolerance : int, optional voxel_center_origin : (x, y, z), optional Center position of the first original voxel, who will be split. start_voxel_size: int, optional Minimum size that the origin voxel size must include at beginning voxels_position : numpy.ndarray, optional List of first original voxel who will be split. If None, a list is create with the voxel_center_origin value. Returns ------- out : VoxelGrid """ if len(image_views) == 0: raise ValueError("Len images view have not length") if voxels_position is None: voxels_position = numpy.array([voxel_center_origin]) list_voxels_size = [voxels_size * 2 ** i for i in range(20, -1, -1) if voxels_size * 2 ** (i - 1) < start_voxel_size] # Pre-processing (optimization): Compute integral image for speed # computation int_images = list() for i, image_view in enumerate(image_views): a = get_integrale_image(image_view.image) int_images.append(a) stage = VoxelsStage(Voxels(voxels_position, list_voxels_size[0]), None) stages = [stage] while stage.consistent.size != voxels_size: if len(stage.consistent.position) == 0: break voxels = split_voxels_in_eight(stage.consistent) if voxels.size < 512: stage = kept_visible_voxel( voxels.position, voxels.size, image_views, error_tolerance=error_tolerance, int_images=int_images) else: stage = VoxelsStage(voxels, None) stages.append(stage) consistent_stages = [stage.consistent for stage in stages] if have_image_ref(image_views): consistent_stages = reconstruction_inconsistent(image_views, stages, attractor=attractor) return VoxelGrid(consistent_stages[-1].position, consistent_stages[-1].size)
# ==============================================================================
[docs]def project_voxel_centers_on_image(voxels_position, voxels_size, shape_image, projection, value=255, dtype=numpy.uint8): """ Create a image with same shape that shape_image and project each voxel on image and write positive value (255) on it. Parameters ---------- voxels_position : numpy.ndarray Voxels center position [[x, y, z], ...] voxels_size : float Diameter size of the voxels shape_image: 2-tuple Size height and length of the image target projected projection : function ((x, y, z)) -> (x, y) Function of projection who take 1 argument (tuple of position (x, y, z)) and return this position 2D (x, y) value : int value between 0 and 255 of positive pixel. By default 255. dtype : type numpy type of the returned image. By default numpy.uint8. Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray Binary image """ height, length = shape_image img = numpy.zeros((height, length), dtype=dtype) min_xy_max_xy = get_bounding_box_voxel_projected( voxels_position, voxels_size, projection) vv = ((min_xy_max_xy[:, 2] < 0) | (min_xy_max_xy[:, 0] >= length) | (min_xy_max_xy[:, 3] < 0) | (min_xy_max_xy[:, 1] >= height)) not_vv = numpy.logical_not(vv) min_xy_max_xy = min_xy_max_xy[not_vv] min_xy_max_xy = numpy.floor(min_xy_max_xy) min_xy_max_xy[min_xy_max_xy < 0] = 0 (min_xy_max_xy[:, 0])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 0] >= length] = length - 1 (min_xy_max_xy[:, 1])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 1] >= height] = height - 1 (min_xy_max_xy[:, 2])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 2] >= length] = length - 1 (min_xy_max_xy[:, 3])[min_xy_max_xy[:, 3] >= height] = height - 1 min_xy_max_xy = min_xy_max_xy.astype(int) for x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max in min_xy_max_xy: img[y_min:y_max + 1, x_min:x_max + 1] = value return img
[docs]def project_voxels_position_on_image(voxels_position, voxels_size, shape_image, projection): """ Create a image with same shape that shape_image and project each voxel on image and write positive value (255) on it. Parameters ---------- voxels_position : [(x, y, z)] cList (collections.deque) of center position of voxel voxels_size : float Size of side geometry of voxel shape_image: Tuple size height and length of the image target projected projection : function ((x, y, z)) -> (x, y) Function of projection who take 1 argument (tuple of position (x, y, z)) and return this position 2D (x, y) Returns ------- out : numpy.ndarray Binary image """ voxels_position = numpy.array(voxels_position) height, length = shape_image img = numpy.zeros((height, length), dtype=numpy.uint8) voxels_corners = get_voxels_corners(voxels_position, voxels_size) pt = projection(voxels_corners) pt = numpy.reshape(pt, (pt.shape[0] // 8, 8, 2)) pt[pt < 0] = 0 (pt[:, :, 0])[pt[:, :, 0] >= length] = length - 1 (pt[:, :, 1])[pt[:, :, 1] >= height] = height - 1 pt = numpy.floor(pt).astype(int) for points in pt: hull = scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(points) cv2.fillConvexPoly(img, points[hull.vertices], 255) return img
# ==============================================================================
[docs]def image_error(img_ref, img_src, precision=2): """ Return false position and true negative result from the comparaison on two binaries images """ img_ref = img_ref.astype(numpy.int32) nb_ref = max(numpy.count_nonzero(img_ref), 1) nb_ref2 = max(numpy.count_nonzero(img_ref == 0), 1) img_src = img_src.astype(numpy.int32) img = numpy.subtract(img_ref, img_src) true_negative = numpy.bitwise_and(img_ref == 0, img_src == 0) true_negative = round(numpy.count_nonzero(true_negative) * 100.0 / nb_ref2, precision) # true_negative = numpy.bitwise_and(img_ref == 0, img_src == 0) false_positive = round(numpy.count_nonzero(img[img < 0]) * 100.0 / nb_ref2, precision) false_negative = round(numpy.count_nonzero(img[img > 0]) * 100.0 / nb_ref, precision) print(true_negative, false_positive, false_negative) return false_positive, false_negative
[docs]def reconstruction_error(voxels_grid, image_views): """ Compute the reconstruction error (false positive and true negative) of the 3d reconstruction from the image view. Parameters ---------- img_ref: numpy.ndarray binary image reference projection : function ((x, y, z)) -> (x, y) Function of projection who take 1 argument (tuple of position (x, y, z)) and return this position 2D (x, y) voxels_position : [(x, y, z)] cList (collections.deque) of center position of voxel voxels_size : float Size of side geometry of voxel Returns ------- out : int Error value """ sum_false_positive = 0 sum_false_negative = 0 for image_view in image_views: img_src = project_voxel_centers_on_image( voxels_grid.voxels_position, voxels_grid.voxels_size, image_view.image.shape, image_view.projection) false_positive, false_negative = image_error( image_view.image, img_src) sum_false_positive += false_positive sum_false_negative += false_negative mean_false_positive = sum_false_positive / len(image_views) mean_false_negative = sum_false_negative / len(image_views) return mean_false_positive, mean_false_negative