Source code for openalea.phenomenal.segmentation.graph

# -*- python -*-
#       Copyright INRIA - CIRAD - INRA
#       Distributed under the Cecill-C License.
#       See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# ==============================================================================
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import networkx
import numpy
import sklearn.feature_extraction.image
import sklearn.neighbors

from ..object import VoxelGrid
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[docs]def connect_all_node_with_nearest_neighbors(graph): """ Connect all the nodes in the graph together Parameters ---------- graph : networkx.Graph Returns ------- graph : networkx.Graph """ connected_component = list(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs( graph, copy=False)) nodes_connected_component = [list(cc.nodes()) for cc in connected_component] nodes_src = max(nodes_connected_component, key=len) nodes_connected_component.remove(nodes_src) while len(nodes_connected_component) > 0: neigh = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1) min_dist = float('inf') pt_1, pt_2, nodes_dst = None, None, None for nodes in nodes_connected_component: distance, index_nodes = neigh.kneighbors(nodes) index_min = int(numpy.argmin(distance)) dist = distance[index_min][0] if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist pt_1 = nodes[index_min] pt_2 = nodes_src[index_nodes[index_min][0]] nodes_dst = nodes nodes_connected_component.remove(nodes_dst) nodes_src = list(set(nodes_src).union(nodes_dst)) graph.add_edge(pt_1, pt_2, weight=min_dist) return graph
[docs]def create_graph(voxels_position, voxels_size): """ Create a networkx.graph from voxels positions and voxels_size Parameters ---------- voxels_position : list list of 3-tuple voxels_size : int Diameter size of voxels Returns ------- graph: networkx.Graph """ graph = networkx.Graph() graph.add_nodes_from(voxels_position) vs = voxels_size neighbors = numpy.array([(-vs, -vs, -vs), (-vs, -vs, 0), (-vs, -vs, vs), (-vs, 0, -vs), (-vs, 0, 0), (-vs, 0, vs), (-vs, vs, -vs), (-vs, vs, 0), (-vs, vs, vs), (0, -vs, -vs), (0, -vs, 0), (0, -vs, vs), (0, 0, -vs), (0, 0, vs), (0, vs, -vs), (0, vs, 0), (0, vs, vs), (vs, -vs, -vs), (vs, -vs, 0), (vs, -vs, vs), (vs, 0, -vs), (vs, 0, 0), (vs, 0, vs), (vs, vs, -vs), (vs, vs, 0), (vs, vs, vs)]) arr_vs = numpy.array(voxels_position) distances = numpy.linalg.norm(neighbors, axis=1) for i, pt in enumerate(voxels_position): neighbors_position = map(tuple, neighbors + arr_vs[i]) for j, pos in enumerate(neighbors_position): if graph.has_node(pos): graph.add_edge(pt, pos, weight=distances[j]) return graph
def _create_graph_with_sklearn(voxels_position, voxels_size): """ Implementation not used to create a graph with scikit-learn function Parameters ---------- voxels_position voxels_size Returns ------- graph : networkx.Graph """ vpc = VoxelGrid(voxels_position, voxels_size) image = vpc.to_image_3d() sparse_matrix = sklearn.feature_extraction.image.img_to_graph(image) graph = networkx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(sparse_matrix) indices = numpy.where(image.ravel() >= 1) indices = list(indices[0]) graph = graph.subgraph(indices) return graph
[docs]def graph_from_voxel_grid(voxel_grid, connect_all_point=True): """ Return a weigthed networkx graph builded from a voxel_grid object where each node of the graph is the tuple position of the voxels center. Each node are edged, if present, to the nodes depict their 26-neigbors in the voxel_grid. The weigth of each edge is the distance between their voxel center position. If connect_all_point is False, then the graph returned is the subgraph with the biggest connected components. If connect_all_point is True, the subgraph of connected components are edged via the closest neighbors between the subgraph with a weigth equal to the distance between their position. Parameters ---------- voxel_grid : VoxelGrid connect_all_point : bool, optional Returns ------- graph : networkx.Graph """ voxels_size = int(voxel_grid.voxels_size) voxels_position = map(tuple, list(voxel_grid.voxels_position)) # ========================================================================== # Graph creation graph = create_graph(voxels_position, voxels_size) if connect_all_point: graph = connect_all_node_with_nearest_neighbors(graph) else: # Keep the biggest connected components graph = max(networkx.connected_component_subgraphs(graph, copy=False), key=len) return graph